Light Blue Hex Math
The light blue hex color code is add8e6.
Light blue hex math. Red green and blue. Blue rgb color code blue hex rgb color code 0000ff 0 65536 0 256 255 0 0 255. Purple 103 2 94 255. Cylindrical coordinate representations also known as hsl of color add8e6 hue.
These 3 values are called bytes and make up a six digit hexadecimal number. Lightblue 91 207 244 255. Whereas in a cmyk color space it is composed of 24 8 cyan 6 1 magenta 0 yellow and 9 8 black. The code itself is a hex triplet which represents 3 separate values that specify the levels of the component colours.
Add8e6 hex color red value is 173 green value is 216 and the blue value of its rgb is 230. The process color four color cmyk of add8e6 color hex is 0 25 0 06. Wondering how to make light blue. Light blue is a pale shade of blue.
Hexadecimal numbers are used on web pages to set colors. 00 to ff in hexadecimal a color can be made by mixing red green and blue so it is called the rgb color system. In a rgb color space hex add8e6 also known as light blue is composed of 67 8 red 84 7 green and 90 2 blue. Patch x y lightblue.
0 to 255 in decimal or. Linewidth 5 0 comments. Color color name hex code. Html rgb blue colors.
Define light blue as whatever values you want but in the range of 0 255 and be sure to divide by 255 to get into the range 0 1. Steel blue 4682b4 70 130 180 corn flower blue 6495ed 100 149 237 deep sky blue 00bfff 0 191 255. The color is defined by its mix of red green and blue each of which can be in the range. Add8e6 color rgb value is 173 216 230.
The loop extracts the red green and blue values in turn converts them to decimal. For example to have a light blue interior and a purple edge line do this. It is also called an additive color system because it starts at black and then. 0 53 and the lightness value of add8e6 is 0 79.